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The Springfield Creative City Collective
  • (413) 612-5792
  • Springfield, MA

8 Benefits of Meditation

Hello Beautiful Beings! Today I’ve decided to chat about the 8 benefits of Meditation

I spend a lot of time in reflection, I look to my discernment and intuition to navigate me through life. I’ve learned over time that meditation is a powerful tool for leaders in any sphere of life.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a mental practice. It requires your attention be turned away from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present. It can involve focusing on the breath, bodily sensations, a word or a message.Meditation is mental purification that make room for new and accurate understanding. As scripture tells us in Romans 12:2 (NKJV)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


Here are the benefits that meditation brought me.

1.Prayer time & Devotion:

The #1 thing meditation brought was an increase in my prayer and study time. This happened naturally. I realize I was seeking answers that could only come from God and I decided to go deeper in verbal communication and reading. This provided a settling understanding and the guidance I needed most.

2. Clarity:

Meditation assists with mental clarity, no more double mindedness about decisions or the direction I needed to go in for my business. I was able to ponder through these areas. I became clear on the instructions and my confidence resurfaced.

3. Increased focus:

I love how meditation increases your focus! It literally help me break through my writers block and work 4-8 hours consistently on projects I need to get done!

4. Listening:

Meditation helps your listening skills. When you’re silent you hear so much more and you gain more information! Meditation reset my practice of being slow to speak and quick to listen.I started to listen to my emotional and character needed shedding. This is soooooo needed for my relationships with myself and others in this new season to create deeper intimacy, harmony and growth!

5. Peace:

I found my need in peace meditation. There’s nothing spending time in presence of God and igniting his spirit in you. Meditation is a spiritual discipline.

6. Power:

Meditation helps birth your. I started taking control of my thought patterns. I started to see the things I was obsessing over that I had no control over, this caused me to feel limited! Purging from these mental attitudes has given me more freedom.

7. Discipline:

Meditation brings discipline. The first things you want to consider when your seeking growth is how you spend your time. Although I fell short in meditating everyday, challenging myself brought a conscious discipline in and around this commitment. It required consistency.

8. Patience:

Meditation highlighted how I needed to be patient. Especially as it pertained to children. I noticed the more patience I gave to the kids in my life the more loving, gentleness and obedience they showed me.

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Funded by MassDevelopment/TDI and the Barr Foundation, Springfield Creative City Collective is part of “TDI Creative Cities” initiative to boost arts-based economic development.

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