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The Springfield Creative City Collective
  • (413) 612-5792
  • Springfield, MA


At the Springfield Creative City Collective (SCCC), we understand that it is not enough to simply acknowledge the needs and causal systems of oppression that are limiting the Springfield community. We have an obligation to develop culturally proficient and sustainable solutions to rectify the inequities and disparities that have been directly impeding the creative and cultural economy for decades.

This is why we have established our "invest" pillar, which is focused on meeting the varying needs of the creative economy and its stakeholders through strategic quantitative and qualitative investment.

One of the ways we are investing in our creative community is through our "For the Love of Springfield" grant, available to Springfield creatives and small businesses. The grant is designed to provide financial support to individuals and organizations that are working to improve the creative economy in Springfield.

The "For the Love of Springfield" grant is just one of the many ways we are investing in our community. We are committed to working with our stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions that will rectify the inequities and disparities that have been limiting the creative economy for decades.

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Funded by MassDevelopment/TDI and the Barr Foundation, Springfield Creative City Collective is part of “TDI Creative Cities” initiative to boost arts-based economic development.

© The Springfield Creative City Collective. All rights reserved.